Parker Yarbrough

Owner, Yarbrough Real Estate


Parker Yarbrough
P.O. Box 961, Gainesville, TX 76241 (940-665-7807)
Education Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, BS in Animal Science
Various courses in Real Estate through North Central Texas College, North Texas State University, and several professional schools.
1961-1964 United States Air Force-Worked as a Special Agent in the USAF Office of Special
Investigations. Provided investigative services to three Air force installations and
background investigations over forty counties in West Texas.
1964-1992 Partner in family farming and ranching operation in Cooke County, Texas.
Raised small grains, wheat, oats, and grain sorghum-hay crops.
Managed a 200 mother cow herd with an occasional yearling crop
1992-2010 Began an active business in real estate brokerage-opened my own office in 1994.
Active in all segments of local market and southern Oklahoma residential, homes on acreage, farm and ranch properties, recreational properties, and commercial. Provided BPO’s for the three major banks in the county as well as three law firms and several individuals and REO management companies. Six years as member of Appraisal Review Board of Cooke County Appraisal District, three years as chairman.
Texas Young Farmers Vice-President, a state wide organization for agriculturists under 35 years of age; Member of Board of Regents of North Central Texas College; Co-Chair of Cooke County United Fund Drive; two terms Chairman of Cooke County Board of Realtors; Director, Cooke County Board of Realtors; President Gainesville Rotary Club and several other Rotary offices; Director and Chairman of Directors for Goodwill Industries of Northeast Texas

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